
Occoquan Gun Lawyer

Virginia gun laws protect your legal right to gun ownership and allow for the open carry of a handgun without a permit, as well as the concealed carry of a handgun with a valid permit. In addition to protecting your gun rights, the Virginia criminal code also prohibits a wide range of actions pertaining to possession, use, transportation, and carry of firearms. Violating any of these laws can result in serious penalties. If you are facing charges for a gun-related offense, an Occoquan gun lawyer could help you fight the charges.

Successfully fighting gun charges requires a thorough understanding of Virginia gun laws. If you have been charged with violating gun laws, the best way to achieve an optimal outcome in your case is to work with an experienced defense attorney who is familiar with the laws pertaining to gun possession, use, transportation, and carry.

Gun Offenses in Occoquan

Laws governing ownership, possession, use, transportation, and carry of firearms in Occoquan are detailed in the Virginia criminal code under Chapter 7, which pertains to crimes involving health and safety. Examples of gun offenses and prohibited activities include:

  • Discharging a gun from inside a vehicle
  • Discharging a gun inside a house or building
  • Carrying a concealed handgun without a valid permit
  • Being in possession of a gun on school property
  • Being in possession of an illegally altered gun
  • Hunting with a gun while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

These are just a few examples of prohibited activities pertaining to gun use and possession. Many other gun-related activities are also prohibited by law, such as carrying a loaded gun in a public place. An Occoquan gun attorney could provide more information about gun laws, including specific gun-related acts prohibited by law.

Penalties for Carrying a Concealed Handgun Without a Permit

Carrying a concealed handgun without a valid permit is a Class 1 misdemeanor, which is punishable by confinement in jail for up to one year and a possible $2,500 fine. When there is a prior conviction, the offense of carrying a concealed handgun without a permit is charged as a Class 6 felony, which is punishable by confinement in prison for one to five years and a possible $2,500 fine. When there are multiple prior convictions, the charge is elevated to a Class 5 felony and is punishable by confinement in prison for up to ten years and a possible $2,500 fine.

The legal penalties upon conviction for other types of gun offenses in Occoquan vary depending on the specific charges underlying the conviction. As is the case with carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, having prior convictions for a specific gun law violation could result in a more severe punishment. A gun lawyer in Occoquan could answer questions about the possible legal penalties associated with specific gun law violations.

How an Occoquan Gun Attorney Can Help

It can be challenging trying to resolve gun charges on your own. An Occoquan gun lawyer familiar with Virginia gun laws could help you fight the charges against you by preparing an appropriate defense. Your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in your case could be increased you work with an experienced attorney rather than trying to fight gun charges on your own. Call today to discuss your case.