Greensville Speed Detection Instruments
Being stopped for speeding is not an uncommon offense. When detecting speeding, law enforcement typically relies on radar but will occasionally rely on methods like pacing, which is more reliant on an officer’s observational skills than it is on technology. Greensville speed detection instruments that are most commonly used are radar and LIDAR. Both of which, are devices which require training and calibration. Despite their reputation for accuracy, there are instances where an incorrectly calibrated instrument can result in a speeding ticket. If you think you may have received a ticket as a result of a faulty reading, or you have questions about Greensville speed detection instruments, contact a capable speeding ticket lawyer, who can assist you.
Radar stands for radio detection and ranging. Radar detection is used to detect the speed of people in the context of law enforcement. Radar operates by radio waves based frequency; a portion of the beam reflects from a target vehicle and returns to the radar. If the target is moving, the change in the frequency allows the radar to calculate the target.Generally, radar detectors are located in law enforcement vehicles, they are attached to the vehicles.
The readings can be very specific; they give an exact speed. They initially give one speed and they report or ultimately show whether or not the speed is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same. Radar readings are given very significant weight as long as the officer testifies to the fact that it has been appropriately calibrated and that the extenuating circumstances allow the officer to report beyond a reasonable doubt which vehicle they targeted and received the radar readings from.
Training Officers Receive Before Using Radar Detectors
The training that officers receive before using radar detectors depends, there can be an in-service training provided by more experienced law enforcement. There can also be conferences; there is going to be updated training any time that the equipment is changed, and any time the agency moves to a new system. The calibration of radar is proven by testimony, and also by the officer in court. Generally, if an officer does not testify, depending on the jurisdiction, but if an officer does not testify that they calibrated their radar before and after a shift and it was to be operating accurately, the judge will specifically question them about the last time this was calibrated.
LIDAR is used to ascertain the speed of vehicles in the context of law enforcement. LIDAR detectors, particularly compared to radar, are a more specific form of measuring the vehicle’s speed. If a person fires a LIDAR gun into a group of vehicles, they have to focus on one vehicle specifically. They have to target the license plate of whatever vehicle they have chosen to gauge the speed of, as compared to a radar gun, and so it would come back to them with the speed of the fastest vehicle without them focusing on that vehicle. A person will have to visually look at the group of vehicles to see which one they think is responsible for the speed being shown by the radar as opposed to LIDAR which is very vehicle specific. LIDAR readings are given tremendous weight in court because they tend to be quite accurate.
Potential Sources of Error
Potential sources of error in Greensville speed detection instruments are going to be due to user error. A failure to regularly calibrate the device or a failure to regularly calibrate the vehicle where the device is being operated. Not only do radar detectors have to be calibrated before and after a shift, but the vehicle that they installed in are supposedly be calibrated every six months. Radar is always good to be aware of, whether or not there was a lot of traffic on the road, to see whether the radar was set on the highest reading.
If they were able to, beyond a reasonable doubt, say that they identified the vehicle and traffic that provided the highest readings to the radar equipment because radar is not vehicle specific. They have to be able to eyeball a group of traffic and say with certainty that this number is associated with those vehicles. Heavy rain can also disturb radar measurements. If the device is not calibrated or the vehicle is not calibrated, the lower the accuracy, the validity, and the weight of the evidence that will be given in court.
Benefit of a Lawyer
Although Greensville speed detection instruments are generally quite accurate, there are instances in which a reading can be incorrect. You should not be penalized for faulty calibration or radar use. If you have received a speeding ticket and wish to dispute the charges, reach out to a local speeding ticket attorney, whose understanding of local speeding laws and detection instruments, will allow them to advocate for you.