
Greensville Speeding Ticket Lawyer 

Speeding is a common offense in Greensville. Despite being a common offense, there are still legal ramifications to receiving a ticket. If you have received a speeding ticket, the best course of action is to get in contact with a Greensville speeding ticket lawyer. A competent speeding attorney will be able to help you challenge your ticket, and can represent you in a court of law.

Speeding in Greensville

The standard speed limit in Greensville goes from 25 to 70, goes from towns to back roads; they do have a portion of the interstate and the county. In Greensville, the two most common places that a person is going to be on the lookout for the speeding charge would be Interstate 95 and Highway 58. There are speeding offenses that are categorized by speed; speed one to nine, speed nine to 14, speeding 14 to 19 and over, and anything beyond that, a person is going to be given reckless driving.

Within the scope of Greensville traffic offenses, speed-related charges are extremely prevalent. In fact, Greensville is well-known for writing a large number of speeding tickets. Generally, if a driver drives five miles over the speed limit, law enforcement will be paying attention but, no one is going to get pulled over for going five miles over unless there is something else about the vehicle that has essentially triggered law inforcement’s interest. A person wants to pay particular attention in Greensville to school zones and obviously, in general, should be wary of work zones because the judges and the Greensville judicial circuit are tough on people driving quickly, speeding in work zones, and putting the workers in danger.

Speeding Tickets in Greensville

Individuals should expect their speeding ticket to include what they are being charged with and the associated statute, the location, and contact information of the Greensville General District Court, and then it would have the officer’s name. They are administered in the form of a written summons. The officers and the law enforcement representative sit-in crossovers frequently on Highway 58 and Interstate 95 and run stationary radar, occasionally LIDAR, and based on those readings, they pull people over and issue them written summonses.

The penalties for a speeding ticket are going to be the conviction, being found guilty of the speeding infraction, and the number of points will be based on the speed that the points will be assessed to a person’s driving record, and that would open them up to insurance consequences when their insurance company renders their records for purposes of a renewal or review. They have to pay the cost of court and the fines associated with the speeding ticket, or they run the risk of having their license suspended.

Disputing an Officer’s Claim of Speeding

The driver can get into their own recollection of the speed, and they can say they had set their control to 70 miles per hour, or such, but they have been driving for several hours and have not altered decreasing through it all. They can bring up the flow of traffic whether or not there were a number of vehicles around them, whether or not they have been passed by another vehicle, essentially saying perhaps the officer was the wrong in the beam. It is going to be kind of individual as to facts, how they are going to allege that the officer does not have the correct speed.

An officer may respond by trying to prove that they were recording the speed of a vehicle. The speed appears on the officer’s equipment, and the officer could offer testimony in court as to what speed appeared in the equipment. Often times, they will elaborate, and they start with the first number that appeared with; it went up, and it decreased several miles per hour, et cetera.

Speed Detecting Tools

The most common speed detecting tools are radar and LIDAR, with LIDAR being preferred because of its accuracy. Theoretically, law enforcement could use pacing, but it never happens. Radar readings are given significant weight in court as long as the officer testifies properly as to how the radar is used, where it was used, whether a flow of traffic was recently and appropriately calibrated or not. The calibration of the radar can make a great difference in the readings.

Benefits of a Lawyer

An adept Greensville speeding ticket lawyer will choose to focus on a lack of recent calibration or appropriate calibration, a lack of experience on the part of the officer, lack of training for the particular equipment, which particularly if there has been some change in equipment or new equipment acquired for the radar and want to be asking about the flow of traffic and is it possible that within a group of vehicles, the officer’s was for a different vehicle and not for the person in court. However, it should be noted that traffic radar instruments used in Greensville are very accurate. Operator error in the use of a radar gun is not very common.

A Greensville speeding ticket lawyer can be a great asset when trying to dispute a speeding ticket. They can help people contest the charge or mitigate potential penalties. They can let them know what as a matter of practice, Greensville judges do for people based on the individual facts of their case. Working with a local attorney ensures that you are in the hands of someone who is familiar with Greensville traffic laws and will work diligently to represent you. Furthermore, that lawyer can think of potential defense strategies that might be applicable to your specific case. If you have received a speeding ticket, do not hesitate to seek the legal counsel of an experienced attorney.