
Manassas Traffic Lawyer

Manassas is the county seat of Prince William County and it rests in the D.C. suburbs about 45 miles southwest of Washington D.C. It is southwest of Fairfax County and is due south of Loudoun County. Due to this location, traffic violations occur frequently and can have a great effect on one’s privilege to drive. If you have been charged or cited for a traffic offense contact a Manassas traffic lawyer today to discuss your case and how to proceed. An experienced defense attorney can help mitigate the damage of your offense and the steps you should take to defend yourself.

Manassas Highways and Major Roads

There are no interstate highways that go through Manassas, but there are some major roads that come into main Manassas. Route 28 goes right through to the city of Manassas, Route 234 goes right through the city of Manassas, and then there is Prince William County Parkway. These are major roads on which speed limits can vary greatly and a person needs to watch their speed when they’re coming around these roads.

Traffic Enforcement by Manassas Officers

Traffic laws are absolutely heavily enforced in Manassas. Manassas police are very diligent in speed patrols and they use laser techniques, radar techniques, and pacing to nab as many speeders as they can. You don’t need to be very much over the speed limit in order to get charged with speeding in Manassas.

Serious Traffic Offenses in Manassas

There are quite a few criminal offenses that can rise simply from driving one’s vehicle. They can range from something that seems as benign as just simple speeding because if you’re speeding twenty or more over the speed limit, it can be considered reckless driving.

Reckless driving can also constitute any driving that potentially endangers life, limb, or property of another. There are quite a few other categories of reckless driving that could include things such as passing a school bus or racing. So there’s a lot of different driving behaviors that even though they seem like they would be victimless crimes are indeed crimes.

Other common examples that Manassas traffic lawyers see are DUI charges. DUI is, in fact, a class 1 misdemeanor and is punishable by jail, fine of up to $2,500, and a loss of license for up to a year. Another big one is driving on a suspended license which is a misdemeanor and a criminal offense. If your license is suspended and you had notice of it and you are caught driving, then it will be charged as a misdemeanor.

Differences Between Reckless Driving and a Traffic Ticket

The main difference between a reckless driving and a traffic ticket,as a Manassas traffic lawyer can explain, is that reckless driving is a criminal offense. A traffic ticket for something other than reckless driving or something else that is a misdemeanor can be prepaid if you choose to do so. It will result in points in your license and a fine, but certainly no license suspension and no possible jail time.

Reckless driving is a misdemeanor and the results of a conviction can mean jail time and a loss of your license. For that reason, a person must appear in court to answer to those charges. If you’re charged with a simple traffic ticket you need not appear.