
Fairfax Auto Theft Lawyer

As defined by Fairfax law, automobile theft is the taking of an automobile that does not belong to the accused with the intent of the accused to permanently deprive the true owner of the automobile. Auto theft, which is another form of larceny in Fairfax, is different from larceny because it is typically prosecuted under the grand larceny law of Fairfax.

Fairfax auto theft lawyers could use multiple strategies when building a carjacking defense. An attorney with experience in car theft cases may begin with a thorough investigation of the case, including all circumstances leading up to and surrounding the incident that led to the charges.

Defining Fairfax Auto Theft Laws

Fairfax laws concerning auto theft include the potential for petit larceny charges, but also grand larceny, depending on what the value of the automobile is alleged to have been. A person facing charges will want to hire a criminal lawyer because any theft charge, including auto theft, is a serious charge that carries serious consequences. Anyone facing auto theft charges should hire a criminal lawyer so they can rely on their familiarity with the courts in defending against the accusation.

How Auto Theft Differs from Other Theft-Related Offenses

Auto theft does not differ from other theft-related offenses. It is another form of larceny and the same elements are required to be proven to convict somebody with auto theft. It is likely that an auto theft charge is going to be prosecuted as grand larceny.

Auto theft defenses might differ from other theft-related defenses because there are laws that are applicable to vehicles that might allow a Fairfax auto theft lawyer develop some more creative options. In general, any theft charge is going to be defended similarly to other theft charges.

What are the Possible Consequences of Auto Theft Charges?

The possible consequences if a person is charged with auto theft in Fairfax include grand larceny, which carries a possible penalty of up to 20 years in prison. The possible penalties if a person is convicted of auto theft in Fairfax range from up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine if the conviction is a misdemeanor conviction. But, more likely the potential penalty would be up to 20 years in prison if someone is charged with grand larceny for the auto theft accusation.

Circumstances in which auto theft might be considered a felony is based on the value of the automobile that is alleged to be involved in the theft accusation. Beginning July 1, any automobile that is worth more than $500 will result in a felony charge.

Penalties for Multiple Carjacking or Auto Theft Offenses

The consequences of auto theft differ for a second-time offender because any time somebody is facing a charge for the same offense a second time they are going to be treated more harshly by law enforcement. They could expect that the prosecution would pursue a more severe penalty for that person. Under some circumstances, even if the vehicle is worth less than the felony threshold of $500, an accused could be charged with a felony if they have two prior theft convictions on their criminal record.

Outlining Potential First Steps of Preparing a Defense

The initial steps a Fairfax auto theft lawyer could include discussing in detail with the client how familiar they are with the alleged victim in the case and how familiar they are with the alleged automobile in the case. They will also start an investigation of the evidence that might be presented against the accused in court.

The approach an attorney takes when preparing a defense for an auto theft charge might differ based on the circumstances leading up to the charge. The specific details in each case will always be different. A person should contact a carjacking attorney as soon as they have been charged with auto theft.

Having an attorney by one’s side while defending auto theft charges will be helpful because of their invaluable experience in defending against larceny and auto theft charges. This experience helps ease the stress of the case as it winds its way through the court system and likely leads to a more favorable outcome than if somebody unfamiliar or untrained in the law defends against charges.