Dumfries Gun Arrests
Perhaps the most commonly charged gun-related crime deals with the concealment of a firearm. These Dumfries gun arrests usually take place during some kind of encounter with the law enforcement officer. Discussing your case with a determined firearm lawyer could help you gain peace of mind when beginning trial.
What Police Do Following a Firearm Arrest
If it is determined that a person possesses a concealed weapon and they do not have a permit to do so, they will arrest them for it right there on the spot. Another common charge is people who have been precluded by previous criminal histories from owning or purchasing a weapon going to a gun dealer or a gun show.
They fill out a background form and in doing so they fill out that form either make an unknowingly false statement or an accidentally false statement. Either way they are going to be arrested and charged with making a false statement in an effort to purchase a handgun. The intent of that person becomes a trial issue not a police issue.
How Law Enforcement Decides to Charge Someone
Police are trained to understand that they cannot arrest somebody and charge them with a crime until they believe they have developed probable cause that the person has committed that crime. Once they have arrested the person, they will be taken before a magistrate. This is where the officer is required to articulate the evidence before the magistrate that they believe gives them probable cause to place them under arrest. Right away there is a judicial element to Dumfries gun arrests. Police will not arrest a person unless they believe that they have probable cause and believe they can get that probable cause past the magistrate who is going to be hearing the evidence that they have.
Expectations After Dumfries Gun Arrests
Once the person is arrested, they will be taken before a magistrate where the evidence will be detailed. The magistrate is going to ask the person what they have to say about it. They are going to also ask for identifying information, such as their full name, date of birth, and where they live so they can run a criminal history on the person.
At some point the magistrate is going to make a decision about whether or not the person should be granted bail. If the person is granted bail, then they have the opportunity to post it and be released from jail. If not, a person will be held and they will be in court the next morning.
If a person is facing Dumfries gun arrests, they cannot contact an attorney until after they have gone through the booking process and bond has been determined.