
Arlington Sex Crime Investigations

When a person is charged with a sex crime, they typically become the subject of a detailed investigation. Arlington sex crime investigations are serious and can lead to significant legal issues for a person who is placed under their scope. In addition to jail time and costly fines, if a person becomes convicted of a sex crime they could be required to register as a sex offender. Such a registration may also exclude a person from certain living arrangements or career opportunities. If you or a family member were accused of committing a sexual offense, contact a knowledgeable sex crimes attorney to start combatting the charge.

Understanding the Basics of a Sex Crime Investigation

Arlington sex crime investigations often occur when law enforcement receives a complaint from a person who claims that they experienced a sex crime. A detective generally is assigned to the case and they usually try to conduct an interview with the complainant as soon as possible. Following the initial interview, the complainant typically will be examined by a qualified sexual abuse nurse examiner. In this stage of an investigation, evidence potentially linking a suspect to the alleged offense may still be available for collection. Depending on the evidence found, law enforcement may be able to determine individuals of interest. In most cases, a detective will interview a person of interest in an attempt to learn more about the alleged offense. It is extremely important for a person who is accused of such an offense to retain seasoned legal representation before speaking to law enforcement or a prosecutor. Any statement a person makes without legal representation could be used against them in the court of law.

Common Investigators in Sex Offense Cases

Many police departments have special victim units. Police officers in these units are trained in how to investigate sexual abuse and assault cases properly. The detective typically has the autonomy to determine whether a case should be investigated based on the initial claim of the individual alleging the criminal act.

Evidence Collection

When a complaint is filed with law enforcement about an alleged sexual offense, the police typically will investigate the claim and attempt to collect evidence. The methods of evidence collection for a sex crime may include conducting a rape kit or a sexual assault forensic examination at a clinic or hospital. A nurse who is licensed to conduct sexual abuse examinations uses the kit to swab for DNA, collect hair samples, skin residue, and anything that might lead to a suspect. Furthermore, law enforcement may search for potential witnesses and work to corroborate a complainant’s account.

Factors That May Influence a Case

There are several factors that may impact the way Arlington sex crime investigations take place. While police may vigorously investigate claims of sexual assault, they understand that proving a case with little evidence could be difficult. When physical evidence connecting an accused person to an alleged offense is not available, the only type of evidence used to substantiate a claim may be the complainant’s testimony. A skilled sex crimes lawyer could review the complainant’s claim and work to establish inconsistencies or discredit the account.

Contact an Attorney About Sex Crime Investigations in Arlington

Arlington sex crime investigations are serious procedures that may place an individual at risk for incurring severe legal consequences. If you or a family member were charged with any type of sexual offense, contact an experienced attorney who is well-versed in the legal procedures surrounding sex crime cases. Call and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

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