Gun-Free Zones in Arlington
It is important to follow firearm regulations in Arlington, and one of those regulations is staying away from gun-free zones. The most common gun-free zones in Arlington are in and around schools. A person is not allowed to have a gun within a certain distance from any school.
Recently, the Governor of Virginia is an enthusiastic supporter of any and all gun control. Legislation has prohibited firearms in any government buildings that are controlled by executive branches, which includes the DMV, Virginia Employment Commission, and things of that nature.
If you are accused of violating gun-free zone regulations in Arlington, it is important to contact an experienced Arlington gun lawyer to combat any charges you face.
Levels of Zones
It is considered more serious to have a gun near a school, as there are some levels considered in gun-free zones. There is no statute that prohibits a gun in the DMV. That was done by executive order of the governor. There is, however, a statute in Virginia that prohibits the possession of firearm or any other weapon on school property. If it is a weapon other than a gun, it is considered a misdemeanor charge. However, if the person has a gun in or even around a school that is open to the public, it becomes a felony charge.
If a person is going to carry a gun into any building that is public, they should best make sure that they know it is legal before doing so, because this is another area of the law. It could be fluid, because governors can sign executive orders and what is legal one day might be illegal the next.
Penalties for Unlawful Gun Possession
If a person has a weapon in or around the schools, it is a Class 1 misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine. If the person has a gun in or around a school, it is considered a Class 6 felony, which is punishable by one to five years in prison.
Additionally, if a person is within the school and intends to use it, attempts to use it, or even brandishes the weapon in a threatening manner, they are going to get a mandatory minimum of a five-year sentence on top of anything else the person gets for whatever crime they might have committed. Having a gun on the school property in Arlington is a Class 6 felony, having it on school property and intending to use it or attempting to use it on school property for any reason is automatically five years in prison.
Laws Related to Gun Zones
The first piece of advice from an Arlington gun attorney for preventing violating a gun-free zone in Arlington is to make sure that the application the person fills out at the gun dealership is correct. Any misinformation put on there can and often results in a serious charge for filling out a false gun application. If the person is not sure, they should find out. Nothing is worth risking their criminal record and preserving a clean criminal record, because they want to get a gun in their case. They should hold off, talk to a lawyer if necessary, and make sure that all the information is correct.
The second piece of advice is to make sure that the person has a safe and reliable place to lock that gun when they are at home, so that it cannot be stolen or used inappropriately by somebody either in or out of the person’s home.
Finally, a person should familiarize themselves with the laws in Virginia dealing with the concealment of weapons in public and be careful not to violate those laws. Commonly, people who had no ill intentions whatsoever mistakenly violate the Virginia concealed weapons laws, because they were not familiar enough with them. It is important to stay updated on these laws about gun-free zones in Arlington.