
Stafford County Embezzlement Lawyer

Embezzlement is a crime that involves taking money or something of value from a person by someone who has a position of trust with that person. The defining characteristic of embezzlement as opposed to other kinds of theft or fraud is the person who commits the crime has a trust relationship. The most frequent kind of embezzlement involves an employee who wrongfully takes money or other things of value from their employer. Embezzlement can also be a situation where there is a caretaker who takes money from an elderly person or someone who has a fiduciary duty to another person such as a trustee, guardian, or conservator.

If you are being charged with embezzlement, contact a Stafford County embezzlement lawyer so that you can start building a case as soon as possible. An experienced fraud attorney can help you put forward a strong defense.


Because most embezzlement charges are felonies, the immediate consequence is that a person becomes a felon. They lose their civil rights such as the right to vote, hold office, or possess a firearm. In addition, there may be penalties imposed by the courts including fines, restitution, probation, and an active jail sentence.

The long-term consequences of embezzlement convictions are significant. Apart from having a felony record which deters most current and future employers, this is considered a moral turpitude crime. Anyone who considers hiring the person or who currently employs them knows they stole money from someone in a position of trust. Having this kind of conviction on a person’s record makes it exceedingly difficult to find work in the future.

Common Misconceptions

The most common misconception involving embezzlement is that it is not a serious offense. People find themselves charged with embezzlement because they took items belonging to an employer that they believe has little value or they took small amounts of money. The belief is that if restitution is made or the money is paid back, everything can be smoothed over and go away. That is frequently not the case. This is a serious charge that can have long term and immediate consequences. Compensating the alleged victim rarely causes the charges to be dropped.

Necessary Evidence

The Stafford County embezzlement lawyer can determine the testamentary or witness evidence in their client’s case. The lawyer looks at the victim’s story, witness testimonies, and statements from the accused to the police or to others. They look at the physical evidence such as video or audio evidence and other documentary evidence of any kind that shows the person who is accused took the money or thing of value.

Contacting a Lawyer

It is always important to hire a Stafford County embezzlement lawyer with local experience because there are some tactics that are more successful with judges or prosecutors that a lawyer may not know if they do not practice locally. There are also pitfalls a lawyer might not be aware of if they do not practice locally.

To have every advantage in the case, the lawyer must have a strong knowledge of the law and significant experience in the area of law. They must also have experience and knowledge regarding all the other players and personalities in the locality who participate in the prosecution and the trial process.

When someone faces embezzlement charges, they should contact a Stafford County embezzlement attorney as soon as they learn they are under investigation or they are charged.