Evidence Used To Prove Speeding In Norfolk
Police officers in Norfolk use a variety of methods to show that a driver was speeding in Norfolk. The most common are pacing the driver or using RADAR equipment or LIDAR equipment.
RADAR, LIDAR, And Pacing In Norfolk Speeding Cases
Virginia police officers routinely monitor traffic and gauge drivers’ speeds by:
- Using RADAR or LIDAR equipment
- Setting up speed traps
- Using traffic cameras
- Pacing vehicles
Traffic Radar Tools: RADAR & LIDAR
To detect speeding in Virginia, officers use a variety of tools which include RADAR and LIDAR. RADAR and LIDAR instruments used in Virginia are generally considered to be extremely accurate. As long as the officer demonstrates that his equipment was properly calibrated, then the reading of the driver’s speed is considered reliable and accurate in court.
The officer proves the accuracy by presenting a calibration certificate. If for some reason the officer does not have the certificate or if the certificate is missing or has improper information on it, this opens the door for the defense to exclude the equipment’s results.
While the RADAR and LIDAR equipment are considered to be very accurate by the court, they are also not without their issues. It is extremely difficult to prove in court, but sometimes an attorney can be successful in getting a police officer to admit to the possibility that the RADAR or LIDAR equipment locked on to the wrong object. This can happen when there is heavy traffic and the officer was in a position where a direct shot of the vehicle was difficult.
Is Operator Error Common In The Use Of Radar Guns?
It is hard to prove operator error in court, but sometimes it is possible to argue that, although it is not a very common defense.
Use Of “Pacing” In Norfolk Speeding Cases
In Norfolk speeding cases, pacing is when the police officer begins driving behind the targeted vehicle and matches the vehicle’s speed. The police officer looks at his own police vehicle’s speedometer to determine how fast the targeted car is going.
Is Pacing Admissible Evidence Of Speeding?
Pacing is admissible evidence of speeding in court, although it is not without its own issues. Sometimes it is possible that the officer’s own speedometer was off, and the speed that the officer believed that the driver was going at was therefore inaccurate. Other times, the officer may not be matching the vehicle’s speed exactly and could be gaining on the defendant so that the speed that he believes that the driver is going is actually too high.