
Arlington Robbery Arrests

Depending on the evidence that the police have, Arlington robbery arrests could be an intense experience. Since a person is often not arrested at the scene of the alleged offense, it is imperative to know the proper arrest process. After a further police investigation, defendants may be taken into custody on suspicion of an alleged robbery.

If the police have any reason to believe that a person could be armed and dangerous, an arrest could likely follow. With the suspicion of potential weapons being used, police may also use significant force in an arrest that could be intimidating. It is important to get in contact with a skilled robbery lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that an arrest was warranted and that your rights were protected.

Surrendering in Arlington Robbery Arrests

It is rare for people to surrender themselves because of the severe consequences that may follow a robbery charge. Robberies often involve the use of weapons or other types of violence, which could make the charges serious for a defendant. Having an experienced attorney involved in a person’s case during the course of the investigation could greatly facilitate that. Speaking with an Arlington robbery lawyer may show the prosecution that a person is serious about fighting these charges.

Surrendering also could be a good indicator that the defendant is more likely to show up in court for their trial. Getting the chance to surrender in a robbery case could help an individual’s case in terms of getting a bond for bail if needed. Since the penalties of robbery are severe, bonds may be set high, so surrendering may be helpful in adjusting to a more reasonable bond price. Robbery charges often have presumptions against bonds, but by surrendering to a charge, the defendant could increase their likelihood of receiving bail.

How Does the Court Determine Bonds?

In regards to Arlington robbery arrests, the court determines whether or not a bond should be set. They are looking for two principal concerns, such as: whether or not the person is a danger to the community and whether or not the person is a flight risk.

Having a robbery charge could be considered a violent offense, so the court may be concerned about whether or not a person is a danger to the community. In terms of whether a person is a flight risk, turning themselves in could show the court that they are not dangerous and that the defendant is taking this charge seriously.

Contacting a Reliable Attorney about Arlington Arrests for Robbery

Once a person is arrested and charged with robbery, they may be given the opportunity to make a phone call to a lawyer of their choosing. This is an important step in a person’s case because they may want to find a skilled attorney who could be available to step in as soon as possible, get a bond processed, and start preparing any possible defenses that might exist in the case.

By getting in touch with a Virginia robbery lawyer, you could potentially aid your defense and get to a more suitable outcome. Reach out to an Arlington robbery lawyer today to set up a free consultation and help defend your case.