
Warrenton Reckless Driving Lawyer

Some traffic offenses are considered so serious that, instead of simply paying a traffic ticket, a driver finds himself or herself in need of a Warrenton Reckless Driving Lawyer. When a traffic violation becomes a criminal case, it is important to arm yourself against the possible consequences of conviction by hiring an attorney who can build a strategic defense against the charges. Turn to our attorneys when you need a Warrenton reckless driving lawyer.

If you are facing a reckless driving charge, you understand that this criminal charge has the ability to negatively impact your life far beyond any simple traffic ticket. In Virginia, reckless driving is a misdemeanor charge punishable by fine, license suspension and up to one year in jail. Not only are there legal consequences, but there are personal ramifications of a criminal record as well.

If you are unfamiliar with this type of charge and what separates it from just a normal traffic ticket or moving violation, you might not realize just how serious the charge you face is or the penalties that would be associated with a conviction. Don’t go into a trial unprepared or unaware of the consequences you are facing because that can leave you vulnerable as you work on your defense. Schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys where they will be able to review the facts of your case and let you know the best possible way to proceed. We can help you defend yourself against the charge you face, but we also want to make sure that you are completely aware of everything that is happening with your case.

No one expects to be branded as a criminal for speeding or failure to yield, but that is exactly what can happen if one is convicted of a serious traffic offense. It is advisable to find a Warrenton speeding ticket attorney who understands your charge and the consequences you face, and who has the knowledge and skill to successfully defend you before a judge.

Accomplished Warrenton Reckless Driving Lawyers

Our attorneys represent those accused of serious traffic violations in northern Virginia. The state’s traffic laws consider any moving violation which disregards the safety of others to be reckless driving, and they explicitly outlines a number of violations that fit this description. Among these actions are:

  • Excessive speed
  • Failure to yield to emergency vehicles
  • Failure to yield right-of-way
  • Failure to signal
  • Driving with faulty brakes
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Attempting to elude police
  • Racing

Some of these traffic offenses are clearly objective in what qualifies them as reckless driving. For example, driving in excess of 80 miles per hour is considered reckless driving regardless of the posted speed limit. Other offenses are vague and subjective, relying on the opinions and judgment of the arresting officer. For example, “aggressive driving” and “driving too fast for conditions” have no objective measure for what constitutes “aggressive” or “too fast.” Regardless of the nature of your alleged offense, it is wise to retain legal counsel for your defense.

If you are looking for an attorney to handle your case in Warrenton, you need to call the attorneys with our firm as soon as possible. An experienced criminal defense attorney handles allegations of serious traffic violations such as DUI, reckless driving, and driving without a license. Looking through your options for Warrenton Reckless Driving Attorneys may seem like a difficult process, but when you need experience and success in your corner, call our office.

If you need legal representation for your criminal reckless driving case, do not delay in getting the help you need, call today for a free consultation of your case.